Friday, March 13, 2009

What is Dioxane and where can it be found?

I found this article about some of the contaminants that are found in children's bath products. Chemicals aren't listed on the labels, making it unknown how many contaminants and how much is actually in the bubble baths, shampoos, and other common products. The natural products industries have found other ways to make the products without including formaldehyde as a preservative by reformulating the product. A contaminant isn't actually intentionally put into the product, it's a byproduct of the processing.

Therefore the byproduct of formaldehyde is dioxane. Dioxane is a colorless, flammable, potentially explosive liquid having a faint pleasant odor and used as a solvent for fats, greases, and resins. It's also used in various products including paints, lacquers, glues, cosmetics, and fumigants. Dioxane is a known eye and respiratory tract irritant. It is also classified as a possible carcinogenic to humans because it is a known carcinogen in animals.

Stacy Malkan, co-founder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetic Use and her co-authors tested 48 bubble baths, shampoos and other baby and children's products for dioxane and 28 of those products for formaldehyde.

Among their findings:

  • Almost two-thirds of the 28 products contained both chemicals, including Johnson's Baby Shampoo and Huggies Naturally Refreshing Cucumber & Green Tea Baby Wash.
  • Eighty-two percent of products tested contained formaldehyde; the highest levels were found in Baby Magic Baby Lotion.
  • American Girl shower products had the highest levels of dioxane among products tested.

Harmful chemicals and contaminants in children's products is a subject of continuing controversy. Earlier this week, it was announced that baby bottles made with the controversial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) will no longer be sold in the United States by the six largest manufacturers of the products.

BPA, which is found in a wide range of products, mimics the hormone estrogen and may disrupt the body's endocrine system. The chemical poses a particular threat to fetuses, infants and children because it can interfere with cell function when their bodies are still developing, public health experts say. The chemical has been linked with diabetes, heart disease, cancer and developmental delays in children.

I don't know about you, but I'm glad to see that these chemicals aren't in any organic products, the "organic seal" indicates this. Also, it's good to know that the government is finally cracking down on what is put into products to make them last longer, where actually it's just making us ill in the future.

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