Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Phthalates and your crib mattresses

Over the last 30+ years, crib mattress materials have been replaced with cheap petroleum-based synthetics. Nearly all crib mattresses today contain polyurethane foam, vinyl (PVC), phthalates, chemical fire retardants, and an extensive list of added industrial chemicals. Recent studies have questioned the use of these materials. Some of these chemicals have even been shown to leach out into the surrounding air.

Babies and toddlers spend 10-14 hours a day sleeping and playing on a crib mattress. Furthermore, a child’s every breath inhales air no more than six inches away from these chemicals. As such, for the first few years of a child’s life, the mattress is the single most prominent object in the child’s environment. Phthalates are typically added to the vinyl surface of a crib mattress to make it soft and flexible. This provides an inexpensive and flexible crib mattress cover material.

“Phthalates are animal carcinogens and can cause fetal death, malformations, and reproductive toxicity in laboratory animals… children may be at higher risk of adverse effects of phthalates because of anticipated higher exposures during a time of developmental and physiologic immaturity… Phthalates are not covalently bound to the plastic matrix and leach out of PVC…”
(Shea, Katherine M. MD MPH and the Committee on Environmental Health. “Pediatric Exposure and Potential Toxicity
of Phthalate Plasticizers.” American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatrics Volume 111 No. 6. June 2003. Pg. 1467.

I don't know about you, but I think this chemical and any child should not be in the same room at the same time. Due to the ability that this chemical has to even leech out into the air, let alone with you absorbing it while you are laying down sleeping. Organic mattresses promote baby health and safety by eliminating potentially harmful chemicals and featuring certified organic cotton and environmentally friendly materials. These mattresses provide non-toxic fire protection and waterproofing, and are loved by parents, physicians, and independent evaluators. So if everyone likes these mattresses and believes that they are better for your child, then why don't you come and check them out for yourself!

Cover your little one with the best, Organic Diapers, Organic Clothes, and a Completely Build Your Own Organic Crib!

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